Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is an upcoming spectacular 3D superhero film based on the Marvel Comics horror character Ghost Rider, scheduled to be released in theaters on February 17, 2012. The film is a loose sequel to the 2007 film Ghost Rider. It will be directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. Nicolas Cage will reprise his role as Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider. It is the second film to be released under the Marvel Knights banner after 2008's Punisher: War Zone.
Nicolas Cage as Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider
Johnny Whitworth as Roarke Carrigan / Blackout: The antagonist who, at the beginning, is human. He is turned into Blackout by the Devil to complete his job (which is not specified). This transformation gives him the fortitude and supernatural abilities to compete with Ghost Rider.
Fergus Riordan as Danny
Ciarán Hinds as The Devil: Who is trying to take over the body of his son on the boy's birthday. It is not clear whether this is intended to be the same character as Peter Fonda's Mephisto from the previous film.
Violante Placido as Nadya
Idris Elba as Moreau
Tobias Öjerfalk in an unknown role.
Christopher Lambert as a monk: He was required to undergo "sword training for 3 months"[10] and shave his head
On February 9, 2007, Marvel producer Avi Arad announced the development of Ghost Rider 2 at a press event. Peter Fonda has also expressed a desire to return as Mephistopheles. In early December, 2007, Nicolas Cage also has expressed interest to return in the lead role as Ghost Rider. Shortly after, in another interview he went on further to mention that he would enjoy seeing a darker story, adding, "He's not eating jelly beans anymore; he's getting drunk". He suggested that the film could do with newly created villains. It is also rumored that the sequel would feature Danny Ketch, another Marvel character who takes up the Ghost Rider mantle.
"A completely original interpretation of Ghost Rider. It's not a sequel at all. It's 'Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance,' everything about it is different including the origin sequence. They'll see new camera movies, high adrenaline, it's like extreme sports. I think the movie's going to be an incredibly wild ride."
- Nicolas Cage on Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
In a September 2008 interview, Nicolas Cage informed IGN that Columbia have taken meetings to start a sequel. Cage noted conversations about the story, where Ghost Rider may end up in Europe on behalf of the church, having story elements "very much in the zeitgeist, like Da Vinci Code." In February 2009, an online source stated Columbia Pictures had greenlit a sequel to Ghost Rider. Nicolas Cage will reprise the lead role, whilst the studio are in search of writers. On September 23, 2009, it was reported that David S. Goyer signed on to write the script for the sequel. Goyer spoke to MTV about the sequel, stating that the story will pick up eight years after the events of the first film and that he hopes to start filming by 2010. The sequel is entitled Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and will be produced by Mike De Luca and will screen with a PG-13 rating. On July 14, 2010 it was confirmed that Nicolas Cage would return, and Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor were announced to direct the film, with editor Brian Berdan and cinematographer Brandon Trost reuniting with the directors from the Crank films.
In February 2011, Cage revealed that Spirit of Vengeance will not be a sequel to 2007's Ghost Rider, and will even feature a new origin sequence.
In July 2010 Cage revealed shooting was to start in November. In an interview with Superhero Hype!, Eva Mendes revealed that she would not be back as Roxanne for the sequel. The film will be shot in 3-D in Romania and Turkey. The film started principal photography in Bucharest, Romania in November 2010, using mostly local talent. Principal photography was completed on January 24, 2011. On March 16, 2011, it was confirmed that Johnny Whitworth would be playing the antagonist, which was also confirmed to be Blackout..
Three scenes were shot on set Castel Film. Among the places in the country chosen were Transfăgărăşan, Targu-Jiu, Hunedoara Castle and Bucharest.
Filming in Turkey took place in Cappadocia, a historical region in central Turkey with exotic chimney topped rocky setting.
Source : wikipedia and Youtube
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